Issues such as pollution, climate change, deforestation, and human overpopulation have drastically changed the way the world works. Because of the significance of these issues, the United Nations created World Environment Day to help educate people about the consequences of human activity.

World Environment Day is a holiday all about teaching people about environmental issues, giving people the opportunity to change the habits they have that are affecting the environment and work towards change.

Learn about World Environment Day

World Environment Day is the United Nations’ main vehicle for encouraging action and awareness in terms of protecting the environment. The day has been held for many years now, with the first World Environment Day occurring in 1974. It has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on different environmental problems and issues that are emerging because of wildlife crime, global warming, human overpopulation, marine pollution, and other problems. On this day, we are encouraged to learn more about these issues and how we can protect the environment, as well as encouraging others to broaden their knowledge as well.

History of World Environment Day

World Environment Day is an important example of how people should care for the environment, raising awareness of the increasing levels of pollution, human overpopulation, and climate change.

The holiday was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Inspired to help create change in the world, the first celebration of the holiday occurred two years later, becoming a huge success.

Since then, it has grown to become a global platform for discussions about the environment, spreading awareness of the effects of human activity. Since then, World Environmental Day is celebrated in over 100 countries and each year, a theme is chosen to help draw attention to a particular concern.

Hosted by a wide variety of sponsors, World Environment Day presses environmental change through education, hoping to inspire action in people all over the world. Each country hosts events talking about the environmental problems specifically affecting that country.

On this day, people register for activities sponsored by the holiday and take part in humanitarian and environmental activities, such as helping third-world countries, planting trees to regrow forests, cleaning up beaches and side roads.

The ultimate goal os this holiday is to inspire long-term change, where people make the choice to take part in changing their habits, such as changing to LED lightbulbs, recycling and conserving energy.

World Environment Day has grown massively over the years. There are 143 countries that participate in this day annually. There is a new theme that is assigned to this day every year, giving governments, celebrities, communities, NGOs, and corporations direction when it comes to different events they can plan and ways that they can raise awareness for this important day.

Some of the different themes that have occurred over the years include the likes of “Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator,” “Beat Plastic Pollution,” “Time for Nature,”, and “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.” Every year, there is also a host nation for the event. For example, India hosted World Environment Day in 2011, with Brazil taking on the honor in 2012. In 2019, China held the day, with the theme being “Beat Air Pollution.” The 2020 version of World Environment Day was hosted by Colombia in partnership with Germany.

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