Game Meat Strategy for South Africa

South Africa (SA), renowned internationally for its abundant wildlife provides an experience of Africa’s unique landscape, the variety of our game species cm then most importantly, market opportunities that could derive from the natural production, processing and selling of game meat and related value-added products. 

This report formulates the strategy to expand, differentiate and formalise the game meat industry in SA which has shown considerable potential for growth. If developed appropriately, in the context of a biodiversity conservation and sustainable use perspective, this market could contribute favorably to economic development, job creation, food security and sectoral transformation.

The report is a significant step forward in support of the global commitment to mainstream the sustainable use of wild species. (CBD DEC 15/23) and will not only support the growth of a sustainable wild meat sector in South Africa but also provide insights for the development of similar strategies in other countries across the continent.

There was an extensive consultation process for this report and AWEI provided both written and verbal comments. Also, AWEI Fellow, Biandri Jourbet, is referenced in the report regarding intra African trade in wild meat.

DFFE 2023. Game Meat Strategy for South Africa. Gazette No. 49620, 08 Nov 2023.

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