The author is a wildlife ecologist and writer who graduated with an MSc degree in Zoology at the University of Pretoria and a PhD degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University.
He was the first Director of the Centre of Wildlife Research at the University of Pretoria and has trained 444 BSc (Honours), MSc and PhD students in wildlife management over a career of 35 years.
He was awarded the prestigious Senior Captain Scott Memorial Medal for his contribution to biology in southern Africa by the South African Academy of Science and Art, the Laureate Award for outstanding alumni by the University of Pretoria, the Order of the Bataleur for contributions to wildlife production and conservation by the South African Hunters and Wildlife Conservation Association and the Wildlife Excellence Award for significant contributions to the field of wildlife management and research by the Southern African Wildlife Management Association.
He is the author of 104 scientific articles, 380 popular science articles, and the co-author or editor of seven major books on wildlife ecology and management, including five editions of Wildplaasbestuur and six editions of Game Ranch Management, while a seventh edition of the latter is being prepared.
Perpetual change has been the only constant on the Earth since its birth by the accretion of matter from solar nebulas some 4.54 billion years ago. During his journeys to far-flung places, he became acutely aware of the geological, geomorphological, environmental and political changes which have occurred since modern humans first appeared. In his book he portrays the origin and development of various destinations and recounts some of his experiences.